
Nintei Nihon Restaurant introduces establishments which serves authentic Japanese cuisine outside of Japan through the guidebook, which we have annually published over a decade. This website provides the information of the accredited Japanese restaurants from the guidebook.

Since Japanese cuisine was registered as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2013, more and more Japanese restaurants have opened their doors around the world.

The purpose of the Nintei Nihon Restaurant guidebook is to recommend only the establishments serving authentic and mostly affordable Japanese cuisine outside of Japan, where you can confidently take your friends and family for an enjoyable experience.
We hope that Japanese restaurant owners and chefs around the world will continue to develop new menus by expressing Japanese food culture and traditions in their dishes, using locally available ingredients. We consider it an honour if our guide helps you to enjoy Japanese food as part of your daily life.



認定日本レストランは、日本国外にお住いの方々に「ここなら本当の日本食を手頃な値段で味わっていただけ、ご家族やご友人を招待されても安心して楽しむことが出来る」と思われるレストランをご紹介したいと、日々努力を重ねております。 また日本国内外に関わらず、和食そのものも時代に合わせて進化を続けています。世界各国で日本食を提供されるレストランオーナー及びシェフの方々が、日本の食文化や伝統を守り、表現され、その地域で手に入る食材を料理に取り入れ、新たな和食メニューを開発していかれる一助になれる事を願ってやみません。認定日本レストランが、日本国外にお住いの皆様に真の日本食を生活の一部として親しんで頂けるお役に立てれば誠に光栄でございます。