● eat TOKYO Golders Green

Situated directly in front of Golders Green tube station and increasingly popular with locals, offering authentic Japanese food at reasonable prices. With the successful experience of running authentic Japanese restaurants in Tokyo for more than 40 years, the restaurant offers a wide range of traditional Japanese dishes including sushi, bento boxes, Izakaya menu (“tapas” style dishes). Sushi produced by the expert sushi chef is not to be missed.
ゴールダーズグリーンの駅前に位置し、本格的な和食がリーズナブルな料金で味わえると地元で人気の高いレストラン。 東京での40年以上に渡るビジネス経験を活かし、寿司はもちろん居酒屋メニューから弁当まで伝統的な和食メニューが豊富。 お勧めは経験豊かな職人シェフが握る寿司。

14 North End Road, Golders Green, London NW11 7PH
Website: https://www.eattokyo.co.uk/GoldersGreen
● eat TOKYO G2 Shabu Shabu

The restaurant specialises in authentic Japanese hotpot called “Shabu Shabu” at reasonable prices. The menu also has a wide variety of other Japanese food including sushi, bento boxes and Izakaya (tapas style) dishes. Their set menu which you can eat as much as you like for 2 hours, includng Shabu Shabu and other various dishes throughout the week is a popular choice.
お手頃な価格で本格的な日本のしゃぶしゃぶが好みのタレと共に楽しめる、落ち着いた雰囲気のレストラン。 週を通しての “しゃぶしゃぶ&その他メニュー2時間食べ放題セット” がとても人気で、これを目当てに訪れる人も多い。 他にも寿司、ラーメン、ランチボックス、またバラエティに富んだ居酒屋メニューが揃う。 最寄り駅のノーザンライン・ゴルダーズグリーン駅から道路を渡ってすぐの所に位置する。

628 Finchley Road, Golders Green, London NW11 7RR
Website: https://www.eattokyo.co.uk/G2
● eat TOKYO N2 Notting Hill Gate

This spacious restaurant is newly opened in November 2018 as eat TOKYO’s second branch in Notting Hill Gate. Situated in an affluent and trendy high street close to Notting Hill Gate tube station and has already become popular venue for both Londoners and tourists. The restaurant offers an excellent variety of traditional Japanese dishes including sushi, bento boxes and wide variety of Izakaya menu. (tapas style dishes) It’s worth checking their sophisticated wine list.
Notting Hill Gate 地下鉄駅から徒歩3分、トレンディな店が多く立ち並ぶハイストリートに 2018年11月 新装オープン。 寿司や弁当ボックス、居酒屋メニューなど、バラエティに富んだ日本料理を楽しむことができる。 洗練されたワインリストを揃えているのも自慢の一つ。

17 Notting Hill Gate, London W11 3JQ
Website: https://www.eattokyo.co.uk/notting-hill
● eat TOKYO Holborn

This three stories restaurant opened in 2012, and is situated 5-6 minutes’ walk from Holborn tube station in the heart of London. This popular restaurant attracts business people from the City as well as Londoners from further afield. Drawing on over 40 years’ experience in the catering trade in Tokyo, the restaurant offers a wide range of traditional Japanese dishes including freshly prepared sushi, bento boxes, Izakaya menu (“tapas” style dishes). At the Holborn branch, the eat TOKYO group’s head chef and sushi chef offer a wide variety of Japanese dishes that are sure to satisfy everyone’s taste buds.
2012年にオープン。 ロンドン中心部のHolborn駅から5~6分に位置しながらも落ち着いた佇まいの通りに面したレストラン。 Cityのビジネスマンにもロンドンっ子にも人気で、3フロアーある店内は常に賑わっている。 東京での40年以上に渡るビジネス経験を活かし、リーズナブルな料金で寿司、居酒屋メニュー、弁当まで豊富な本格和食メニューを提供している。グループのヘッドシェフとヘッド寿司シェフが作り出す料理は、バラエティ豊かで味覚を満足させてくれる。

50 Red Lion Street, High Holborn, London WC1R 4PF
Website: https://www.eattokyo.co.uk/holborn
● eat TOKYO Soho

The spacious area, pleasant ambience and menu proudly presented by the chef are much loved by locals. Authentic sushi, sashimi, modern innovative sushi rolls and Japanese everyday dishes can all be enjoyed.

16 Old Compton Street, London W1D 4TL
Website: https://www.eattokyo.co.uk/soho
● eat TOKYO Hammersmith

Hammersmith branch opened in autumn 2012 , 7 – 8minutes by walk from Hammersmith overground station. The restaurant offers a wide range of authentic Japanese food menu including sushi, bento boxes, and an Izakaya menu ( “tapas” style dishes ) at reasonable prices. The wide variety of sushi proudly presented by chef Sasaki is highly recommended.
2012年秋にオープン。 ハマースミス駅から徒歩7~8分に位置し、本格的な和食の味をリーズナブルな料金で楽しめる地元で人気のレストラン。 寿司、居酒屋メニューから弁当まで豊富な和食メニューが揃っている。

169 King Street, London W6 9JT
Website: https://www.eattokyo.co.uk/hammersmith
● eat TOKYO の Tonkotsu-ya

tonkotsu-ya opened in the Summer 2020, 3 minutes’ walk from Bond Street Tube station. The restaurant offers a great selection of Ramen including their signature dish “Tonkotsu
Ramen”, all of which are made from scratch with fresh ingredients. The restaurant also serves a wide range of Izakaya style dishes that will go well with the Ramen.
2020年夏にオープンしたとんこつ屋は ボンドストリート駅から徒歩3分。看板メニューのとんこつラーメンをはじめ、素材にこだわった手作りの麺類やバラエティーに富んだ居酒屋メニューを楽しんでいただけます。

14 Woodstock Street, Mayfair, London W1C 2AG
Website: https://www.eattokyo.co.uk/bond-street