Bento Boys | 弁当ボーイズ

Bento Boys is a small Japanese eatery and takeaway shop run by two passionate Japanese guys specializing in Bento boxes. They aim to serve authentic but comfort Japanese food other than Sushi or Sashimi to share the feels of opening Bento boxes and see delicious surprises someone prepared for us.

Their healthy, colourful, nutritious Bento Boxes have a variety of comfort food like Ebi Fry (fried shrimp), croquette, Teriyaki chicken and salmon that are nicely arranged alongside rice and vegetables. Other dishes such as Donburi, Curry, Onigiri and Karaage (fried chicken) are also available.  

Bento Boysは、お弁当を専門とする小さな食堂兼テイクアウトショップ。店では、心温まる日本の母の味を思い出すような手作り弁当を提供している。ヘルシーでカラフルな栄養あふれるメニューにはチキンカツ弁当、エビフライ弁当、コロッケ弁当、照り焼き弁当などがあり、他にも丼、カレー、おにぎり、唐揚げなどの料理が楽しめる。

Address: 22 Windsor Street, Uxbridge UB8 1AB